LDH JAPANとソニー・ミュージックレーベルズによる共同マネジメント事業 “SL Square LLP.”に所属し、Girls²の後輩グループでもある。
メンバーは、テレビ東京系特撮実写ドラマ『ポリス×戦士 ラブパトリーナ!』から山口莉愛・杉浦優來、
『ビッ友×戦士 キラメキパワーズ︕』から永山椿・深澤日彩・比嘉優和・佐藤栞奈の主演キャスト6人で結成された。

同番組では、Lucky²をモチーフとしたオリジナルアニメ『ガル学。Ⅱ~Lucky Stars~』も放送され、さらに小学館コミック『ちゃお』にて漫画が連載された。

2022年、Lucky²として初となるライブツアー「Lucky² First Live Tour - Brand New World! -」を開催。
同年6月には、『リズスタ -Top of Artists!-』で主演キャストを務めた上村梨々香・森朱里・佐藤妃希の新メンバー3人が加入。

2023年には「Lucky² LIVE TOUR 2023 “Happy Summer”」を開催し、9人体制初となるライブツアーを完走した。




Lucky² is a girls-performance group that debuted on September 22nd, 2021 with 6 members.
They belong to ‘SL Square LLP.’, a joint-management project by LDH JAPAN and Sony Music Labels. They are a junior group of Girls².
The original 6 members were main casts from TV Tokyo network tokusatsu live-action drama series; Rina Yamaguchi and Yura Sugiura from “Police x Heroine Lovepatrina!”,
Tsubaki Nagayama, Hiiro Fukasawa, Yuwa Higa, and Kanna Sato from “Bittomo x Heroine Kirameki Powers!”

They appeared regularly on TV Tokyo network’s “Oha Suta” as ‘Oha Girls’ from October 2021 until March 2022.
In the same program, they had an original anime titled “Garu Gaku II: Lucky Stars” which featured Lucky², along with the same titled manga that was serialized on Shogakukan monthly girls’ comic magazine, ‘Ciao’.

In 2022, Lucky² had their first live tour “Lucky² First Live Tour – Brand New World! –”.
In June of the same year, 3 new members, Ririka Uemura, Akari Mori, and Kiki Sato, who played the main casts in “Rizsta -Top of Artists!-”, joined the group.

In 2023, they successfully finished their live tour “Lucky² LIVE TOUR 2023 ‘Happy Summer’”; their first tour as a 9-member group.

Now they regularly broadcast their first own radio program “Lucky² no Lucky Talk!” on Nippon Cultural Broadcasting Inc. (Bunka Housou)!

Their maturely-growing, lovely appearances and their original, unique dance performances bring energy and courage to the audience!

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